Welcome To The Show

It is 2024 and I am back with a mission: To help Ambitious Procrastinators match their actions with their ambition and move their doubts into high velocity drive. New episodes release each Friday.

What to Expect

Short, Actionable Episodes: Expect solo episodes around 15 minutes long, packed with strategies and tips to combat procrastination.

Monthly Interviews: Once a month, I’ll bring on guests who have successfully navigated their procrastination to achieve remarkable things.

Below is a recap of my previous shows:

The Age of Possibility: Episode 1-18. I started a new channel in 2022 for a short lived but heartfelt series. This show was for anyone who felt there is more time behind them than ahead, but especially women who were ready to kick it up a notch.

Your Yes Life Now: Episode 100 to 110. What does it take for us to say “Helz Yes” to our own lives and dreams? Solo shows and guest interviews to help you live your “Yes” and “Best” life each and every day.

The Business of Fitness: Episode 78 to 99. Whether you are a fitness enthusiast, you are in fitness full-time, part-time or none of the time, I know you will leave feeling inspired, motivated and ready to create income as you share your impact.

The Perfection Detox: Episode 1 to 77. Based on my first book, these conversations are designed to help you Tame Your Inner Critic, Live Bravely and Unleash Your Joy.

To subscribe to the show, so that you never miss an episode please click on one of the images below.



Episode 15: Fitness, Faith and Finding Yourself with Keli Roberts

This week I have the pleasure of talking with fitness icon and my dear friend Keli Roberts. In this candid conversation, we go behind the scenes and talk about Keli's past struggles with mental health and drinking. Now at the prime of her life, Keli is the epitome of creating a life of possibility. I know you will enjoy this conversation and for anyone struggling, this will give you hope that it is never too late, to create a life that you are excited to live.

Episode 102: Kelly McGonigal on The Joy of Movement

Movement Can Be a Life Preserver About Today’s Guest Kelly McGonigal is a health psychologist and lecturer at Stanford University who specializes in understanding the mind-body connection. As a pioneer in the field of “science-help,” her mission is to translate insights from psychology and neuroscience into practical strategies...
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Episode 88: Lawrence Biscontini on The Business of Fitness

“Let Movement be Mandatory but Exercise be Optional” About Today’s Guest Lawrence Biscontini, MA, has made fitness history as a Mindful Movement Specialist winning the highest number of awards from ACE, IDEA & Inner IDEA, Can Fit Pro, and ECA since 2002. Lawrence travels the...
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Episode 85: Maureen Hagan on The Business of Fitness

“Let The Passion Lead While You Are Learning” About Today’s Guest Maureen Hagan is a global Health & Wellness Expert and has been recognized for her work that spans over three decades. Mo, as she is known in the fitness industry, is an international Award-winning...
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Episode 83: Zumba CEO Alberto Perlman on The Business of Fitness

“We Have the Opportunity to Change Lives”  About Todays Guest Alberto Perlman is the CEO and co-founder of Zumba Fitness LLC, the largest branded fitness program in the world. The Global Lifestyle Brand fuses fitness, entertainment, and culture into a dance-party experience, and has more...
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Episode 81: Annette Lackovic on The Business of Fitness

“Speak to One Person and Everyone Else will Eavesdrop”  About Todays Guest Dubbed by Commonwealth Bank as Australia’s Leading Females Sales Trainer, Annette Lackovic’s grassroots started back in the fitness industry as a group fitness instructor at the young age of 15. By the age...
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Episode 69: Friday Five With Patricia Moreno

“Your Ideas Are Unique, Go Explore Them And Take Them Out Into The World” Patricia Moreno Patricia believes that a strong body is a requirement for a great life. When we move we create more energy, have increased vitality and a strong body will be...
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Episode 65: Friday Five With Joy Prouty

“Stop, Listen, Feel Your Life” Joy Prouty Joy talked about the importance of always learning. She believes it keeps us young, it keeps as curious, and keeps us engaged in life. As you know recently I have begun to study how to be a DJ....
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