A Woman of a Certain Age
Women of a certain age – this one is for you.
This is the face of a woman who is learning to fall in love with herself.
This is the face of a woman who is often the oldest one in the room but feels connected to all women in space and time.
This is the face of a woman who every so often needs to give herself a heavy pep talk on wisdom versus wrinkles.
This is the face of a woman who for the past year has said no to injecting her face and yet is still not certain if it will be a no forever.
This is the face of a woman who knows that time is precious and she will be livid with herself if she spends her time worrying about what others may say instead of living her life.
This is the face of a woman who knows the best is still to come and yet sometimes wishes for the past.
This is the face of a woman who is determined to live the possibility and yet is unsure if she will really be able to to muster the continuous courage it will take to do so.
This is the face of a woman who is traveling the country, and soon the world, on a global search for other women of a certain age.
This is the face of a woman who is going to travel the world to find answers ………
Answers about relevancy – meaning – passion – purpose – sensuality – family – death, and living to the fullest.
So what is this age? It’s different for all of us but you will know the day it arrives.
And when it does you get to choose – to let your soul wake up and live out your delayed dreams or fall asleep as we buy into the lies that we are too old to …. insert your dream here – and leave this life with regrets.
Which will you choose?